As a final question, setting aside the relative magnitude of disclosed or undisclosed financial relationships, is psychiatric practice biased by industry? 作为最后一个问题,撇开公开或不公开的财务关系的相对大小,精神科执业是否因工业界而产业偏颇?
It is found that the relative magnitude of the total effective plastic strain for inner and outer side of ring depends on reduction ratio, initial billet size and mandrel feed speed. 研究发现内外层金属的累积等效变形相对大小取决于变形程度、坯料原始尺寸及芯辊进给速度;
At the top flange there would be enough slack so that no relative twist of any significant magnitude would be introduced into the girder web. 在上翼缘处有足够的松动,因而在主梁腹板上并不会引起很大的相对扭转。
The glitch may, in turn, reduce the relative magnitude, causing the output node of the input inverter to switch states. 此干扰脉冲反过来又减小(输入信号)的相对幅度,造成输入反相器的输出节点改变状态。
The images gradient magnitude mean and the variance of every pixel in the image relative to the gradient magnitude mean are calculated according to the method proposed in the paper. 根据所提出的梯度幅值计算方法求出整幅图像的梯度幅值均值和图像中所有像素点的梯度幅值相对与均值的方差。
No matter to what degree we open up to the outside world and admit foreign capital, its relative magnitude will be small and it ca n't affect our system of socialist public ownership of the means of production. 不管怎样开放,不管外资进来多少,它占的份额还是很小的,影响不了我们社会主义的公有制。
The image above uses red arrows to represent the relative direction and magnitude of the ground movement in the vicinity of the quake. 上图用红色箭头表示震中附近地面移动的相对方向和大小。
We know the relative frequencies of quakes of different magnitude. 我们知道不同震级地震的相对发生频率。
The local contrast enhancement adjusts the intensity of each pixel based on its relative magnitude with respect to the bilateral filter output of its neighboring pixels. 局部对比度增强利用当前点与其邻域象素的双边滤波输出之间的关系,调节当前点的亮度,以增强图像局部对比度;
The shifting of extreme wavelet coefficients can be used to judge relative magnitude of dip angle and dip direction of fracture with scale increasing. 随着尺度的增加,小波系数极值会发生偏移,可以判断断裂的倾向和倾角的相对大小;
The discharge frequency of neurons before administration was taken as the reference, and the relative magnitude of response after administration was calculated ( response frequency after administration/ response frequency before administration × 100%). 以给药前神经元的放电频率为参照,计算给药后反应的相对值(给药后实际反应频率/给药前实际反应频率×100%)。
The vector method first determines the principal vector in terms of incident wavefront displacement and the relative magnitude of acoustic impedance at both sides of a reflector, then resolves the principal vector to obtain the first motion directions of reflected and transmitted waves. 矢量法是按入射波波前位移,考虑波阻抗的相对大小定出主矢量,然后在反射和透射方向上进行分解,从而得到相应波的初动方向。
Automatic target recognition ( ART) using Synthetic Aperture Radar ( SAR) imagery is investigated in this paper. The feature extraction problem of SAR imagery is first analyzed, then a matching scheme that incorporates relative distance and magnitude between features is investigated. 针对合成孔径雷达(SAR)图象自动目标识别问题,在对SAR图象的特征提取问题进行分析的基础上,提出了一种特征点匹配算法。
By using the orthogonal experimental design, the relative magnitude of process conditions on condensation effect is listed. 采用正交实验设计法完成了工艺条件对缩合效果影响的显著性分析。
The different anomalous types is relative to the magnitude, epicenter distance and tectonics. 不同的异常类型可能与地震的大小、震中距的远近以及构造环境有关。
According to the dynamic balance velocity detected, the amplitude and phase of the vibration signal relative to the unbalanced magnitude of the wheels were obtained through the amplitude and phase frequency spectrum. 根据测定的车轮动平衡转速,由频谱分析求解出与车轮不平衡量有关的振动信号的振幅和相位。
Two classification systems of depositional sequence hierarchies are respectively presented, which are based on the relative frequency and relative magnitude of base level changes. 沉积层序的级别有2种划分系统,分别以基准面变化的相对频率和相对振幅为基础。
Large-scale strike-slip faults ( commonly act as terrain boundary faults) has played a central role in controlling the relative offset, magnitude of lateral extrusion, and the geometry of these terrains. 大型走滑断裂在青藏高原形成中起着地体相对位移、侧向挤出、移置及使高原几何形态扭曲的作用。
In the condition of the same medium strength, the relative expression between source linear dimension and magnitude is derived in the case of different fault plane width. 在具有同样介质强度条件下,推得不同断层面宽度情况下震源体线性尺度与震级的关系式。
Optimized method to charge simulation method, establishing the correspondent objective function in order to acquire the optimized solutions of the dimension, relative position and magnitude of the simulation charges. 最优化方法用于模拟电荷法,建立相应的目标函数,求模拟电荷的尺寸、相互位置及电量的最优解;
This paper uses mathematical methods to deal with the relative magnitude of both equations of partial fusion of equlibrium in the mantle and magmatic fractional crystallization as partition coefficient D_A varies, and distinguishes the two genetical models quantitatively. 本文用数学方法讨论了地幔平衡部分熔融与岩浆分离结晶关系式随DA变化的相对大小,进而对这两种成因作出判别。
The existance and relative magnitude of contact shifts, pseudo-contact shifts and anisotropic shielding effects are given by analysis of~ 1H NMR spectrum. π.分析了~1HNMR谱中接触位移,准接触位移和各向异性效应的存在和相对大小。
The degree of the borehole sloughing obtained from analyzing dipmeter logging data is used to estimate the relative magnitude of horizontal differential stress. 利用地层倾角测井资料得出的钻孔崩落程度,可以估计当地水平差应力的相对大小。
And that of Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Ba and Pb is less than 0 1 Relative magnitude of biologic accumulation coefficient of elements in the plants in the ore field and the background area is similar as a whole. Ti、V、Cr、Mn、Ba和Pb积聚系数小于01。总体上矿区植物中元素积聚系数的相对大小同背景区具有相似性;
The components of the acceleration response at the top of superstructure are based on the relative magnitude of rocking stiffness, swing stiffness of foundation and the stiffness of the super-structure. 结构顶层加速度反应组成取决于基础转动刚度、平动刚度和上部结构刚度的相对大小。
The main factor creating the relative error of the environment stress τ 0 is the magnitude error. 引起环境应力值τ0相对误差的主要因素是震级误差。
In relative quiet environment authors use zero-crossing rate, short-time magnitude and speech duration parameters to realize endpoint detection. In noisy environment, authors use spectral enhancement method to get an approximate pure speech spectrum, realizing the endpoint detection task. 利用短时过零率、短时幅度和语音持续时间实现准静音环境下的端点检测,对语音频谱进行增强处理,实现噪音环境下的端点检测。
SWI utilizes the relative phase and magnitude change in the venous vasculature introduced by the susceptibility difference between venous blood and parenchyma. 它利用静脉和组织之间磁敏感性差异引发的相对相位变化和幅值改变来增强小静脉的可见性。
The space scale of GPS data vary from region to the global, and its time scale vary from seconds to years. Its precision of relative positioning for long baseline can reach the magnitude of 10-9. GPS资料的空间尺度从区域到全球,时间尺度从数秒、数小时到数十年,长基线相对定位精度可达10-9的量级。
Meanwhile, according to the relative magnitude of each force, it was found that the growth force was smaller than other forces obviously. Also, shear lift force is under evaluated. 同时,根据受力平衡考察了各个力的相对大小,发现生长力远小于其他各力。同时,剪升力偏小。